Event Details
· Foundations: Mindset and Culture
o Event, Experience, Emotion, Expression
o Victim, Villain, Victor
· Wonder
o Identifying the audience
o Gathering information
o Listening
o Asking questions
o Defining purpose
· Rough Draft
o Context, Challenge, Conclusion (CCC)
o Inverted Triangle
· Improve and Tighten
o The 7Cs of written communication
o Grammar Refresh: Parts of Speech
· End Draft
o Final proofing
o Peer review
o Email etiquette
Our Resource Speakers

Vina Vidal Vicente
Vina Vidal Vicente is a Program Designer, Facilitator, Stakeholder Engagement specialist, Communications and Public Affairs strategist, certified English Grammar instructor and a blues singer. Vina has worked in expert and leadership roles in various industries, including print media, government, non-government / advocacy, education, and, most recently energy and shared services. In her 20 years in the workforce, Vina has cultivated a skill in connecting with various roles in an organization, ranging from senior executives to junior professionals.

Christine Del Rosario Bata