"I am a Rank and File employee all my life, now I'm being promoted!?" It might be a surprise for someone being a rank and file employee all their lives to be promoted to a higher position. Transitioning from working as a usual employee to handling people or group might be a bit overwhelming for some. What to prepare, how to adapt, how to handle and communicate might be some of the questions you have in mind when you are being promoted to supervisor or manager. This training will equip employees with the right skills and mindset in managing your own teams in the new normal. This is designed for those who are about to be promoted or just got promoted to being a supervisor.
At the end of the training, participants should be able to:
1. Understand the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor
2. Recognize their own characteristics and supervisory skills in leading teams
3. Manage employees effectively
4. Exhibit competence and confidence in leading teams
Team Leaders/Supervisors
Department/Unit Heads
Business Owners
Roles and Responsibilities of a Supervisor
Transition of Roles
Management Functions
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Leading
4. ControllingSupervision in the New Normal
Our Resource Speakers
Vina Vidal Vicente
Vina Vidal Vicente is a Program Designer, Facilitator, Stakeholder Engagement specialist, Communications and Public Affairs strategist, certified English Grammar instructor and a blues singer. Vina has worked in expert and leadership roles in various industries, including print media, government, non-government / advocacy, education, and, most recently energy and shared services. In her 20 years in the workforce, Vina has cultivated a skill in connecting with various roles in an organization, ranging from senior executives to junior professionals.
Christine Del Rosario Bata
Christine Del Rosario Bata is currently an Internationally Certified Executive Life Coach who trained with the Coach Training Academy under the expert guidance of Dr. Randin Brons, PhD., C.M.H., M.S.L.C and Steven Kiges, Certified Master Life Coach, Christine specializes in Career, Executive and Corporate Coaching. Her 20+ years of corporate experience offers clients a powerful resource system to keep them motivated, move on the right direction, and help them look at where they are now vis-a-vis where they like to be and help bridge the gap.