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Mental Health Champions: Advocates of Empowerment and Support

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

Being a mental health champion involves taking the initiative to promote mental well-being, not just in our personal lives but also for those around us. In the workplace, where we spend significant time interacting with colleagues, fostering a supportive environment becomes crucial. The amalgamation of work-related stress and personal challenges can become overwhelming, highlighting the importance of mental health champions within the organization.

These champions are individuals who undergo training to provide initial support and understanding to their peers. Their role goes beyond that of professionals, as they act as empathetic listeners, offering guidance and encouragement. By creating a culture that normalizes discussions around mental health, they help make it easier for employees to seek help when needed.

It is with great pleasure that we announce PVP's successful completion of the "Establishing Mental Health Champions in the Workplace" training for Safeway Philtech! The training was divided into two batches, where participants engaged in two-day training sessions. These consecutive sessions continued throughout the month, resulting in a comprehensive training experience. Now, let's discover the exciting highlights that unfolded during those training sessions!

The first session of our Mental Health Champions training for Safeway Philtech's first batch ended on a positive note, leaving a lasting impression on everyone involved. Our resource speaker, Ms. Alessandra Arpon, skillfully recognized their enthusiasm, further fostering a positive atmosphere.

The success of the session was apparent as the participants actively engaged in thought-provoking discussions and wholeheartedly embraced the activities. It was truly inspiring to see everyone fearlessly sharing their unique ideas and perspectives on the topic at hand. Their openness in expressing thoughts and feelings about their company's culture and experiences with stress highlighted their remarkable vulnerability.

What made the session even more exciting was the opportunity for employees to directly address their HR department during the Q&A session. This face-to-face dialogue, facilitated by our speaker, allowed for valuable exchanges of questions, concerns, and insightful answers. The genuine interest displayed by both participants and HR representatives underscored the company's commitment to addressing mental health concerns.

The participants' strong desire for more Q&A session was evident until the very end, leaving no doubt that they eagerly anticipate the next session with enthusiasm and anticipation.

With such a positive start, it's clear that this training program will continue to make a profound impact on the well-being of both individuals and the company as a whole.

On July 13, 2023, despite the inclement weather, our dedicated participants from Safeway Philtech’s Batch 1 endured and attended our face-to-face Mental Health Champions in the Workplace workshop. Their commitment to becoming mental health champions motivated them to overcome the challenging conditions.

In this 2nd part of the Mental Health Champions in the Workplace workshop, Ms. Alessandra Arpon led sessions on crisis situations and reactions, coping strategies during stress and crisis, building rapport and supportive communication skills, and the ICARE model. It was a very engaging day, and our dear participants were ready not only with their first aid and helping skills but also with their acting abilities for the role-playing sessions.

On July 20, PVP finally kicked off Safeway Philtech's Batch 2 training on Mental Health Champions. Right from the start, the participants showed great courage as they fearlessly shared the stress they experienced at work and in their personal lives. This openness created a safe and supportive atmosphere, helping them connect with one another and realize they were not alone in their challenges. By sharing their experiences, they learned valuable insights on how to cope with stress, and this fostered a sense of growth and resilience as a group.

Ms. Alessandra Arpon facilitated the discussions on the facilitators of well-being for oneself and within the workplace. She also discussed the different crisis reactions and the common symptoms of mental health problems and disorders, stressing the importance of recognizing and empathizing with these signs while leaving diagnosis to professionals.

Armed with knowledge and sensitivity, the participants are now better equipped to offer support and understanding to those around them who may be going through these types of problems. With this, the first day of training concluded on a high note as it became clear that the participants are excited and eager to delve into the upcoming discussions.

On July 27, second day of Batch 2 training, participants had another enriching experience with Ms. Alessandra. The day was filled with a variety of impactful activities, focusing on crucial aspects of mental well-being.

Like the second day of Batch 1, Ms. Alessandra skillfully guided the participants through discussions on crisis situations and reactions, coping strategies during times of stress and crisis, building rapport, and developing supportive communication skills. Additionally, the training introduced the ICARE model, offering valuable insights on effectively addressing mental health concerns in the workplace.

The day was highly engaging, with active participation in various activities designed to reinforce their learning. Alongside the role-playing sessions, participants were involved in several other activities, such as identifying and understanding the stressors faced by characters in sample situations they received. Through this exercise, they learned to empathize with different perspectives and develop helpful solutions.

With the dedication and efforts of all the participants in Safeway Philtech, they have successfully enhanced their ability to promote mental well-being and foster a healthier work environment for everyone involved. This remarkable achievement demonstrates their commitment to employee welfare, and it will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the overall productivity and happiness of the team.

Need assistance with your organization's mental health program? Feel free to reach out to us via email at or by giving us a call at 8404 9524. You can also explore our website,, to discover other webinars, trainings, and services that might align with your interests. Let us help you build a thriving workplace culture.

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