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PVP in partnership with the European Chamber of Commerce Philippines held a webinar on Managing Transitional Stress in the Workplace last Feb. 7.
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a huge change impacting many lives in the workplace where companies and organizations have adapted to different work set-ups. In turn, the ever-changing landscape at work and at home this has brought about has greatly impacted the mental health of employees especially their stress levels. Stress is a part of our everyday life. It can be treated as a force or drive to rise and cope with such changes but it can also become the root of more serious mental health issues.
Our webinar on Managing Transitional Stress in the Workplace conducted by Ms. Alessandra Arpon, tackled topics such as managing reactions, coping through stress, establishing helpful thinking, and developing new responses that can gradually turn unfamiliar and stressful demands into a routine.
“Never stress on what you can’t control: stress is inevitable, but always remember that YOU are invincible!”

On Feb. 8-10, PVP conducted one of its most in-demand public training entitled Designing and Developing Mental Health Programs in the Workplace to help companies become compliant with Republic Act No. 11036 or the Mental Health Law. Our resource persons Mr. Gerald Peñaranda and Ms. Alessandra Arpon guided our participants through the process of establishing a mental health program for their companies. A well-constructed and updated mental health and wellness program that is based on the current law and is evidence and research-based is vital not just for the company but most especially for its employees’ welfare.
Designing and managing an employee mental health and wellness program is a critical step toward improving employees’ physical and mental health and productivity while lowering the long-term overall cost of employer-provided health care.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) spearheaded a mental health program for teachers in the Philippines. Through a series of trainings on mental health, PVP and UNODC is helping our teachers in learning and acquiring skills to ease the burden on their mental health, their colleagues and students.
Part two of this program is a Mental Health First Aid training conducted from Feb. 15-17 by Dr. Homer Yabut and Mr. Jomar Hulleza to 70 selected teachers. The teachers were taught about giving psychological first aid through the three-action principle of look, listen and link as well as the RAPID model. They were introduced to PERMA-R model of well-being in order to flourish and thrive despite the challenges of the times.
Part three in March will be about Peer Supporting in the Workplace to especially focus in making sure the teachers are able to help each other out through their shared experiences as vanguards of learning and our youth.