The 2022 elections are fast approaching and there are several aspirants that express their desire to be in certain positions. As early as now, there are names of government officials that are included in the election rumor mill. Polls and surveys are being made to gauge the preference of different demographics.
In 2018, we conducted a syndicated study to test the viability of a marketing metric as a voter segmentation framework. Data showed that each voter demographic considers the core values, beliefs, traits of the candidate, and the key issues that the candidates deem important.
The study mapped out crucial factors in the voters’ deliberation in choosing a prospective candidate as a new leader or policymaker. The impact of mass media and social media, the political fruition of the people they voted for in the past election, and the influence of their social circle, are factors that may affect their judgment in choosing who to vote.
By analyzing data from demographic segmentations, the study unravels the key points that show each candidate’s winning condition. The information gathered from the study is vital in creating the right message, the right image, and how to trigger the right levers.
To improve the success rate of the candidate, the study also focused on each candidate’s brand essence. A certain candidate has different brand essences across different segments. The key is to determine the most relevant brand attributes for each of the crucial voter segments to be targeted. From our data, a winning brand has to be positioned in the High-Warmth and High-Competence quadrant. The aim then, is to move the candidates to the High-Warmth and High-Competence quadrant to increase their prospect of winning. This information helps the candidates and their team to understand and formulate the brand’s right packaging and communication strategies.
Based on our syndicated study, you can see that this graph shows that Vilma Santos is positioned in the High-Warmth and High-Competence quadrant across all socioeconomic classes. According to the data, if she ran for senator in 2018, she definitely would have won.

PVP designed VoterMetre, an Analytics Tool for Electorate Micro-Targeting that captures and predicts implicit attitudes towards political candidates, to use voter psyche data and demographics to identify the interests of specific individuals or very small groups of like-minded individuals and speak to them using their thought framework and in ways they are receptive to thus ensuring that your message is received openly.
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