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Boomer and Gen Z workers are more alike than they want to believe

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Gen Z employees have less main costs than earlier generations and boomers have more of a financial safety net, both of them may be more inclined to value meaningful work than a big wage, which might explain why the oldest and youngest studied have comparable motivations. Undoubtedly, a lot of Gen Zers still choose a wage raise, sometimes even over flexibility.
Boomer and Gen Z

Because Gen Z employees have less main costs than earlier generations and boomers have more of a financial safety net, both of them may be more inclined to value meaningful work than a big wage, which might explain why the oldest and youngest studied have comparable motivations. Undoubtedly, a lot of Gen Zers still choose a wage raise, sometimes even over flexibility.

There are still some contrasts between boomers and Gen Zers. For example, whereas boomers don't place as much value on a company's social policy, Gen Zers are known for being mission-driven.

Because Gen Z is more forthright about their job requirements and is motivated to battle for a greater work-life balance because of the pandemic and the Great Resignation, certain disparities may appear more pronounced than they are.

According to workplace and career specialist Lindsey Pollak, "With Gen Z, I believe we have to understand that they were facing a pandemic at a very precise period in their lives and in their professions."

In the end, Boomers and Gen Z workers both report to work for the same reasons.

With that, join us in our webinar called “BXYZ: Managing Multigenerational Workplace as a Competitive Advantage” where you’ll learn how to utilize the workforce of multigenerational workers as your company’s advantage, and on how to have a unique and exciting diverse work environment!


Berger, C. (2022). “Boomer and Gen Z workers are more alike than they want to believe.” Yahoo! Finance.

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