During elections and campaign periods, we get an abundance of polling numbers from different survey companies and groups. Surveys and polling which answer the basic “what” question of knowing where your candidate currently stands in the voting populace, be it awareness or preference, and the percentage of your voter segment.
But there is another way of looking at the numbers.
Through this type of segmentation, the number of Passives, Promoters, and Detractors for a particular candidate in each demographic can be identified. The Promoters are your captured voters and active campaigners, the Passives are your swing voters, while the Detractors are the opposition that can even be campaigning against you. By identifying the above segments, a campaign can then start focusing on knowing who the Passives are, for whom the biggest campaign effort should be focused on because they are the segment of voters that can be swayed to vote and campaign for your candidate. By understanding the needs and wants of this target voter classification (the Passives), generating an in-depth psychographic and behavioral profile would identify the perfect move to sway their views and temperaments.
But let us not forget the other two segments. While the Promoters are already your captured voters, as active campaigners they can be targeted to be given the right tools in how to campaign for your candidate to the Passives. Meanwhile, we can look at the issues the Detractors are focused on, address those, and make sure we do not make the number of Detractors bigger.
To gauge the effectiveness of the campaign efforts, the sway voters or the Passives should show signs of increased engagement in correlation to how much time is left before the actual elections. The movement of the Passives can be projected with positive engagement or negative engagement. This would be an indicator of what classification they would evolve into. There are other factors that affect the Passives to turn into Promoters or Detractors. The factors to consider are mass media and social media engagement and consumption, the Passives’ voting history, and their voting behavior and influences (e.g. Passives’ religion and values, their judgement on a celebrity’s political stand, the political conversation/s they are having with friends and family, response to political stimuli, etc.)
With the data provided by the vNPS, campaigns will have a clear path on what steps to take in convincing Passives to switch into Promoters, or even Detractors into Passives (possible voters even if they’re not active campaigners). PVP engineered a way to measure all these factors and map out the areas in which election efforts would reflect favorable results for candidates. This tool would help in ensuring a large voter turnout for your candidate by finding ways to convert Passives into Promoters and Promoters into actual votes.
PVP offers VoterMetre, an Analytics Tool for Electorate Micro-Targeting that captures attitudes and voting intentions towards political candidates, to use voter psyche data and demographics to identify the interests of specific individuals or very small groups of like-minded individuals and speak to them using their thought framework and in ways they are receptive to thus ensuring that your message is received openly.