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Predictive Analytics for HR

Updated: May 4, 2023

July 25, 2019 - It’s encouraging to see that organizations big and small here in the Philippines are now starting to embrace the importance of workforce analytics. From government organizations like NEDA, SSS and BSP, to financial institutions like PNB and Unistar Credit, corporations like Aboitiz’s Pilmico and Versatech, and even international NGO ChildFund, they are starting to see the need for forming, adopting and institutionalizing workforce analytics in their Human Resources Department.

The Philippines is actually still a long way behind countries like the USA and Singapore in the use of data and analytics in that even big corporations and conglomerates here still don’t have HR analytics teams. It should behoove HR people to make top management see that HR should no longer just be an administrative and cost center department. That business issues can be efficiently addressed simply by making smart use of the vast amount of data that HR possesses.

PVP also offers in-house training and consulting for Workforce and Predictive Analytics. For inquiries you may contact or (02) 404-9524. For public trainings subscribe to to receive our calendar of events.

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